Gift Envelope - Fir Green XS
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de cet emballage
- Longueur: 10
- Profondeur: 15
- Size: XS
du colis
- Range: 25
Dive into a world of vibrant colors with our small jewelry envelopes! Designed to brighten up your precious treasures, these exquisite envelopes combine elegance and vivacity to offer a vibrant and cheerful presentation.
Each jewelry envelope is available in a dazzling palette of colors, from soft pastels to bold, vivid hues. Whether you prefer the delicate charm of powder pink, the sophistication of black or the energy of fiery red, our colorful jewelry envelopes are a visual feast.
Our small, colorful jewelry envelopes add a playful, elegant touch to every moment. Whether you use them for gift-giving or everyday storage, these little gems add a touch of playfulness to every experience. Make every present a festival of color with our jewelry envelopes, because life is more beautiful in color!
de livraison
Méthodes de livraison
Carrier | Information | Price | Expédition |
European delivery with DPD. Free delivery from 350€ HT. | €13.00 (tax excl.) | ||
European delivery with GLS. Free delivery from 350€ HT. | €15.00 (tax excl.) | ||
1 | €12.00 (tax excl.) |
- (1) with direct payment methods (e.g. credit card)
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